Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 1

The Nintendo DS Lite Building seems to be most efficient when we talk about the energy use because they decided to put some solar panels instead of the display.

PlayStation 3 building does look pretty realistic and I have to admit that this console has always reminded me to a building as well as previous PlayStation 2 version.

Older readers will recognize the NES console in third photo which brings back some good memories about 8-bit games.
Please "Like". TQ!^_^


  1. hai beb! salam wbt.

    lil dah buat header dah. mcm yg u suruh tuu..
    datanglah...dan komen header lil oke? heeee

  2. Wassalam..bgus3..hehe..nnti singgah sana k;)


My photo
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